Editorial/Economic Daily News:Singapore’s Experience and International Competitiveness (2012.3.20)
作者:媒體報導 日期:2012-03-30 17:15
Two recent reports are well worth reflecting on by Taiwan’s government and people. One is an interview given to a Singaporean newspaper by Grace T.H.W. Group chairman Winston Wong (son of late Formosa Plastics tycoon Wong Yung-ching), in which he reveals that his son has become a Singaporean citizen. The other is a speech delivered to the Control Yuan last week by Stanley Yen, president of the group that owns the Landis Taipei hotel. Yen warned that Taiwan was ‘eating yesterday's reserves’ of human and economic resources. These reports can’t compare with issues like U.S. beef imports or ‘lean meat powder’ for their ability to create a stir, but they certainly are food for thought for those concerned about Taiwan’s economic development and international competiveness. When the government issues its vision for a ‘golden decade,’ or drafts plans for joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) within ten years, building international competitiveness and attracting talent must be listed among the top policy priorities.
經濟社論: 從新加坡經驗談國際競爭力 (2012.3.20)
作者:媒體報導 日期:2012-03-20 10:26
成功併購 掌握三大黃金原則
作者:媒體報導 日期:2011-10-06 00:00
企業併購新書 集專業智識之大成