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Sowing the seeds for a bountiful harvest

In FY09, now thankfully behind us, the global financial crisis hit like a tidal wave. With the collective hard work of all colleagues, however, we did our utmost to succeed at every task at hand. On the surface, the operating results for the year may have fallen short of budget, but real progress was made in realizing a culture of quality, continuously increasing efficiency, providing high-quality services, and other areas. Even in such a depressed economy, we did not stint on our commitment to corporate citizenship, nor did we resort to short-term expedients like layoffs, general salary reductions or unpaid leave, and the credit goes entirely to the contributions of all the people here at PwC. Looking ahead, FY10 seems likely to be full of challenges, as the global economy continues to struggle and the domestic jobless rate perhaps reaches 6%, but we believe deeply that this is a rare opportunity for us if we roll up our sleeves, put our back into it and hone our basic skills to get ready for the eventual recovery.





實踐PwC Experience是資誠出類拔萃的承諾

本文取自PwC Passion! 電子報

景氣仍未見復甦,在企業界及其他國外同業仍在實施無薪假、甚或裁員減薪之際,資誠(PwC Taiwan)在所有同仁全力以赴的努力下,我們按照既定的計劃及目標向前邁進,將危機轉化成提昇競爭力的契機,使資誠(PwC Taiwan)成為出類拔萃(Distinctive)的專業組織。


本文取自PwC Passion! 電子報

With no sign of economic recovery on the horizon, corporations and competitors abroad continue to announce unpaid vacations, pay cuts and even mass layoffs. At PwC Taiwan, though, thanks to your unstinting efforts, we are striding towards the goals we’ve laid out for ourselves, turning crisis into an opportunity to boost our competitive strength, and becoming a truly distinctive professional organization.



刊載於 2009年4月號(281期)會計研究月刊




請參閱2011.3.24 公告之2011 更新版

公開發行公司年度股東常會將於六月底前陸續召開,股東會是公司經營者與股東最重要的溝通場合,當前全球經濟面臨金融海嘯的衝 擊,景氣大幅衰退,股東必定期望瞭解公司過去一年之經營成果,以及公司面對景氣寒冬之因應策略。為期公司本年之股東常會順利召開,薛明玲所長特別依據近期法令修正以及股東會應注意事項,彙述如下:


資誠 早一步替企業想對策

資誠會計師事務所長薛明玲表示,會計師的專業能力,就是任何什麼事都要能夠「比客戶更早一步」。因此,當去年第四季經濟開始出現衰退跡象,薛明玲立即要求所有合夥人展開「CEO talk」,向企業的決策者或董事會報告過去一年法令及會計原則的變動,除了傾聽客戶的聲音,更進一步提供掌握景氣循環的策略思維,協助企業安度不景氣難關。


薛式視人術 找出服務高手



薛明玲 多閱讀 把常識變智識

